Since 2010, MAHCS has been committed to addressing an array of barriers in behavioral health service delivery to racial and ethnic minority groups by providing culturally and linguistically competent behavioral health professionals.

About Us

Multicultural Alliance Health Care Solutions, Inc. (MAHCS) was established in 2010 by Gustavo Estrada, a successful behavioral health professional, and entrepreneur in order to address the mental health needs of Broward County residents in a culturally and linguistically competent manner. The agency was specifically created in response to the ever-changing and growing racial and ethnic make-up of Broward County, and to address the well-documented disparities that racial and ethnic minority groups experience when seeking high-quality, culturally and linguistically competent mental and behavioral health care services.

Day-to-day operations are led by and a team of highly qualified and dedicated professionals.

MAHCS is committed to bridging the cultural and linguistic gap between public and private organizations in order to better serve all our clients.

Currently, MAHCS is able to provide services in four different languages (English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Portuguese), and is continually working to expand our language pool of service providers. MAHCS is committed to making every effort to overcome cultural and language barriers, maximize achievements, and provide person-centered and cost-effective services in behavioral health service delivery.